60 research outputs found

    A model for regional analysis of carbon sequestration and timber production

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    The greenhouse effect is one of our most severe current environmental problems. Forests make up large ecosystems and can play an important role in mitigating the emissions of CO2, the most important greenhouse gas. Different management regimes affect the ability of forests to sequester carbon. It is important to investigate in what way we best can use forests to mitigate the greenhouse effect. It is also important to study what effect different actions, done to increase carbon sequestration, have on other offsets from forestry, such as the harvest level, the availability of forest biofuel and economic factors. In this study, we present an optimization model for analysis of carbon sequestration in forest biomass and forest products at a local or regional scale. The model consists of an optimizing stand-level simulator, and the solution is found using linear programming. Carbon sequestration was accounted for in terms of carbon price and its value computed as a function of carbon price and the net carbon storage in the forest. The same price was used as a cost for carbon emission originating from deterioration of wood products. We carried out a case study for a 3.2 million hectare boreal forest region in northern Sweden. The result showed that 1.48–2.05 million tonnes of carbon per year was sequestered in the area, depending on what carbon price was used. We conclude that assigning carbon storage a monetary value and removal of carbon in forest products as a cost, increases carbon sequestration in the forest and decreases harvest levels. The effect was largest in areas with low site-quality classes

    Skattning av tillstÄnd och förÀndringar genom inventeringssimulering

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    För att följa populationers utveckling över tiden inom ett givet omrĂ„de kan omrĂ„det ifrĂ„ga inventeras vid olika tidpunkter. Den simulator som beskrivs i det följande Ă€r framtagen för att studera kostnadseffektiviteten (samband mellan noggrannhet och kostnad) för olika inventeringsmetoder i detta sammanhang. Objektiva inventeringsmetoder för vanligt förekommande skogliga objekt, som t ex ordinĂ€ra levande trĂ€d, Ă€r vĂ€lkĂ€nda inom skogbruket Objekt av intresse för naturvĂ„rden, som t ex gamla enskilda trĂ€d eller stĂ„ende döda trĂ€d eller lĂ„gor, Ă€r dĂ€remot sĂ€llsynta. För att fĂ„ kunskap om objektiva inventeringsmetoders kostnadseffektivitet i dessa sammanhang (sĂ€llsynta objekt) har tidigare en inventeringssimulator konstruerats (StĂ„hl och LĂ€rnĂ„s 1995). Med förhĂ„llandevis smĂ„ förĂ€ndringar var det möjligt att modifiera denna till att simulera populationers förĂ€ndringar över tiden, samt att, utöver skattning vid en enskild tidpunkt, Ă€ven utföra skattningar av förĂ€ndringar. Modifieringarna utfördes under 1997 pĂ„ uppdrag av NaturvĂ„rsverket och programpaketet som den nya simulatorn bestĂ„r av har getts namnet "NVSIM". Med sitt ursprung i den tidigare simulatorn, Ă€r den inte "optimal" i alla avseenden, t ex Ă€r vissa simuleringar tidskrĂ€vande. NVSIM genererar populationer med en tĂ€thet (antal individer per arealenhet) och rumslig fördelning i utgĂ„ngslĂ€get som specificeras av anvĂ€ndaren. AvgĂ„ng samt tillskott av individer, med avseende pĂ„ tĂ€thet och rumslig fördelning, till en senare tidpunkt specificeras Ă€ven. Inventeringar, med ett antal olika metoder, av omrĂ„det kan sedan simuleras. Med individ avses ett godtyckligt objekt. Individer kan t ex utgöras av enskilda vĂ€xter eller djur men kan Ă€ven avse t ex substrat för vĂ€xter och djur. Ett exempel pĂ„ det senare Ă€r döda stĂ„ende trĂ€d eller lĂ„gor. Simulatorn bestĂ„r av tre enheter (Fig. l). Med den första enheten, populationssimulatorn, genereras populationen. Önskade egenskaper hos populationen (tĂ€thet och rumslig fördelning) anges i en styrfiL Populationssimulatorn genererar tre filer som beskriver populationen vid tidpunkt l, tidpunkt 2 samt förĂ€ndringen av populationen. Inventeringar kan sedan utföras med den andra enheten, inventeringssimulatorn. Inventeringarnas utformning anges i en styrfiL En grafisk bild av enbart populationen eller populationen tillsammans med utfall av inventeringen (lĂ€ge för provytor eller bĂ€lten samt resultatuppgifter) kan erhĂ„llas med den tredje enheten, den grafiska enheten. Inventeringssimulatorn hanterar tre inventeringsmetoder; bĂ€ltesinventering, cirkelyteinventering och kvadratyteinventering. AnvĂ€nds förĂ€ndringsbilden sĂ„ motsvarar inventeringen en inventering med fasta provytor eller bĂ€lten, dvs samma lĂ€gen vid vid bĂ„da tidpunkterna. TvĂ„ fall av registre­- ringar pĂ„ ytor/bĂ€lten utförs. Dels registreras samtliga individer; registrering av antal, dels registreras endast huruvida individer förekommer inom ytor/bĂ€lten (ev. inom delar av ytor/bĂ€lten); registrering av förekomst. Programmen i populations-och inventeringssimulatorn Ă€r programmerade i Fortran medan programmet i den grafiska enheten Ă€r programmerat i Turbo Pascal

    Om detektering av förÀndringar av populationer i begrÀnsade omrÄden

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    I mĂ„nga sammanhang Ă€r det av intresse att följa vĂ€xt- och djurpopulationers utveckling över tiden. Även mĂ€ngder av substrat, som olika organismer Ă€r beroende av, kan vara av intresse. Ett exempel pĂ„ substrat i skogliga sammanhang Ă€r död ved i form av stĂ„ende döda trĂ€d eller lĂ„gor. Med "population" avses i det följande ett antal vĂ€xt-eller djurindivider eller ett antal individuella substrat. Populationen befinner sig i ett geografiskt avgrĂ€nsat omrĂ„de. En populations storlek kan bestĂ€mmas genom totalrĂ€kning eller skattas genom ett stickprovs­ förfarande. BestĂ€mningen eller skattningen kan utföras vid olika tidpunkter varvid en uppskattning av populationens förĂ€ndring erhĂ„lls. Vanligen Ă€r totalrĂ€kning otĂ€nkbart pĂ„ grund av begrĂ€nsade resurser varför man Ă€r hĂ€nvisad till olika stickprovsförfaranden. För populationer med en viss rumslig utbredning inom ett geografiskt avgrĂ€nsat omrĂ„de finns en mĂ€ngd tĂ€nkbara stickprovsförfaranden, dvs inventeringsmetoder. Vanligen lokaliseras provytor av viss form och storlek inom omrĂ„det ifrĂ„ga och individerna inom dessa registreras. Alternativt registreras inte samtliga individer inom provytan utan en registrering av förekomst/ej förekomst utförs istĂ€llet. Anta att populationsstorleken skattas genom ett stickprovsförfarande vid tvĂ„ tidpunkter. Möjligheterna att uttala sig om huruvida en förĂ€ndring av populationsstorleken har skett eller ej, beror dĂ„ av noggrannheten i skattningarna vid respektive tidpunkt och eventuellt av korrelationen mellan skattningarna vid de tvĂ„ tillfĂ€llena. För att studera kostnadseffektiviteten för olika inventeringsmetoder för detektering av populationsförĂ€ndringar har en simulator konstruerats (LĂ€mĂ„s & StĂ„hl 1997). Simulatorn bestĂ„r av tre enheter. Med den första enheten, populationssimulatorn, genereras dels populationen vid en första tidpunkt, dels en förĂ€ndring av populationen till en senare tidpunkt. Populationens beskaffenhet i utgĂ„ngslĂ€get samt avgĂ„ng och tillkomst av individer kan styras med avseende pĂ„ bĂ„de tĂ€thet (antal individer per arealenhet) och den rumsliga fördelningen. Beskrivningar av populationen vid respektive tidpunkt, samt en "förĂ€ndringsbild" av populationen genereras. Inventeringar kan sedan utföras med den andra enheten, inventerings­ simulatorn. Ett inventeringsförfarande simuleras upprepade gĂ„nger och antalet individer (om det gĂ€ller populationenen vid en tidpunkt) eller förĂ€ndring i individantal (om det gĂ€ller en förĂ€ndringsbild) skattas. Variansen för individantal eller förĂ€ndring i individantal skattas sedan som variansen för de skattade vĂ€rdena i simuleringarna. Förfarandet kallas vanligen Monte­ Carlo-simulering. Kostnaden för inventering erhĂ„lls genom att tidsĂ„tgĂ„ngen först berĂ€knas varefter denna multipliceras med kostnaden per tidsenhet. TidsĂ„tgĂ„ngen erhĂ„lls genom att tidsĂ„tgĂ„ngar för alla ingĂ„ende delmoment specificeras. Med den tredje enheten, den grafiska enheten, kan en bild av enbart populationen eller populationen tillsammans med utfall av inventeringen (lĂ€ge för provytor eller bĂ€lten samt resultatuppgifter) erhĂ„llas. Simulatorn hanterar tre inventeringsmetoder; bĂ€ltesinventering, cirkelyteinventering och kvadratyteinventering. AnvĂ€nds förĂ€ndringsbilden av populationen sĂ„ motsvarar inventeringen en inventering med fasta provytor eller bĂ€lten, dvs samma lĂ€gen vid vid bĂ„da tidpunkterna. För registrering av förekomst kan kvadratiska ytor delas in i mindre delytor, "sub-kvadrater", och bĂ€lten delas in i bĂ€ltessegment I föreliggande arbetsrapport ges ett antal exempel pĂ„ analyser som kan utföras med simulatorn. Följande exempel ges: ‱ Studie l: Samband mellan precision och kostnad vid skattning av antalsförĂ€ndring med bĂ€ltesinventering och cirkelyteinventering. ‱ Studie 2: Permanenta eller tillfĂ€lliga bĂ€lten för att erhĂ„lla viss precision i skattning av förĂ€ndring i individantaL ‱ Studie 3: Styrkan i detektering av förĂ€ndringar i individfattiga populationer via bĂ€ltesinventering. ‱ Studie 4: Styrkan i detektering av förĂ€ndring via rĂ€kning och via registrering av förekomst. Exemplen gör inte ansprĂ„k av att vara uttömmande studier av respektive problemomrĂ„de utan syftar till att pĂ„visa intressanta omrĂ„den och problem i samband med populationsförĂ€ndringar. Vid simuleringar av inventeringar var antalet upprepningar i samtliga fall 300

    Estimating stem diameter distributions from airborne laser scanning data and their effects on long term forest management planning

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    Data obtained from airborne laser scanning (ALS) are frequently used for acquiring forest data. Using a relatively low number of laser pulses per unit area (≀5 pulses per m2), this technique is typically used to estimate stand mean values. In this study stand diameter distributions were also estimated, with the aim of improving the information available for effective forest management and planning. Plot level forest data, such as stem number and mean height, together with diameter distributions in the form of Weibull distributions, were estimated using ALS data. Stand-wise tree lists were then estimated. These estimations were compared to data obtained from a field survey of 124 stands in northern Sweden. In each stand an average of seven sample plots (radius 5–10 m) were systematically sampled. The ALS approach was then compared to a mean value approach where only mean values are estimated and tree lists are simulated using a forest decision support system (DSS). The ALS approach provided a better match to observed diameter distributions: ca. 35% lower error indices used as a measure of accuracy and these results are in line with the previous studies. Moreover – which is unique compared to earlier studies – suboptimal losses were assessed. Using the Heureka DSS the suboptimal losses in terms of net present value due to erroneous decisions were compared. Although no large difference was found, the ALS approach showed smaller suboptimal loss than the mean value approach

    Spatial aspects in the Heureka forest decision support system – an overview

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    This report is part of task 1.4 in work package 1 in the Mistral Digital Forests first phase (2018- 2022) research programme. The task concerns the use of information with complete spatial coverage (“wall-to-wall data”) in forest planning. Spatial aspects in forest planning are present if the value of a forest management activity or the character of a specific stand does not rest only on management or attributes of the stand itself but also on stands in the neighborhood. Traditionally in Swedish forestry spatial aspects, e.g. the spatial location of final fellings, has been handled in tactical planning and/or ecological landscape planning and not in the strategic planning.In this report, we thoroughly describe and present state-of-the art applications of the spatial functionality available in the Heureka forest DSS, and identify potential development tasks. These include to simplify the interface of the optimization model, reduce the build times associated with the formulation of various optimization problems, support efficient free solvers of optimization problems, improve GIS functionality, enable the use of open data in various forms of analysis using the Heureka systems and publish the Heureka system as open source

    Accounting for a Diverse Forest Ownership Structure in Projections of Forest Sustainability Indicators

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    In this study, we assessed the effect of a diverse ownership structure with different management strategies within and between owner categories in long-term projections of economic, ecological and social forest sustainability indicators, representing important ecosystem services, for two contrasting Swedish municipalities. This was done by comparing two scenarios: one where the diversity of management strategies was accounted for (Diverse) and one where it was not (Simple). The Diverse scenario resulted in a 14% lower total harvested volume for the 100 year period compared to the Simple scenario, which resulted in a higher growing stock and a more favorable development of the ecological indicators. The higher proportion of sparse forests and the lower proportion of clear-felled sites made the Diverse scenario more appropriate for delivering access to common outdoor recreation activities, while the Simple scenario projected more job opportunities. Differences between the scenarios were considerable already in the medium term (after 20 years of simulation). Our results highlight the importance of accounting for the variety of management strategies employed by forest owners in medium- to long-term projections of the development of forest sustainability indicators

    Will intensity of forest regeneration measures improve volume production and economy?

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    The prevailing regeneration methods in Scandinavian countries are artificial regeneration methods including measures such as site preparation and planting. These measures are considered to be a part of a more intensive forest management and require an initial investment. The use of artificial regeneration measures can, however, increase the growth of a forest stand. In this study, the purpose was to investigate if such an investment is profitable by comparing three different intensity levels (low, medium and high) applied during the regeneration phase, with aspect on both economics (LEV, land expectation value) and growth (MAI, mean annual increment) after a full rotation. The forest stands used in this study were regenerated between 1984 and 1988 and the future growth of the stands was simulated using Heureka StandWise. It was clear that naturally regenerated (low intensity) stands resulted in better economics than stands actively regenerated (medium and high intensity). However, actively regenerated stands resulted in both higher volume production and growth, and the uncertainty of regeneration success was reduced using artificial regeneration measures. These factors are important when considering both the ongoing mitigation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and future access to raw material

    Improving dynamic treatment unit forest planning with cellular automata heuristics

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    We present a model for conducting dynamic treatment unit (DTU) forest planning using a heuristic cellular automata (CA) approach. The clustering of DTUs is driven by entry costs associated with treatments, thus we directly model the economic incentive to cluster. The model is based on the work presented in the literature but enhanced by adding a third phase to the CA algorithm where DTUs are mapped in high detail. The model allows separate but nearby forest areas to be included in the same DTU and shares the entry cost if they are within a defined distance. The model is applied to a typical long-term forest planning problem for a 1 182 ha landscape in northern Sweden, represented by 4 218 microsegments with an average size of 0.28 ha. The added phase increased the utility by 1.5-32.2%. The model produced consistent solutions-more than half of all microsegments were managed with the same treatment program in 95% of all solutions when multiple solutions were found
